Monday, June 25, 2012

We Don't Need More Great Teachers

First, hats off to my friend Peter DeCraene, currently in D.C. for the Presidential Awards Recognition Program.  This post is kind of in his honor.

I've been doing a lot of thinking about what would improve outcomes, on a large scale, for the truly underserved kids from around the U.S.  I've had the good fortune to know many truly great teachers, and to have been part of a department that developed several of them (with more in the pipeline!).  One of my students once compared being in one of my classes to watching a perfect game in baseball, and--except for the "watching" part--I have to say I've had few nicer compliments.  But I've come to think that the emphasis on great teaching in our nation's current dialogue about the importance of education is at best unhelpful and at worst counterproductive.  We don't need more great teachers.

Visiting China, I was struck by how rigorous the mathematics is at the nation's best schools, but also--and I was really surprised by this--how decidedly vanilla the teaching is.  A typical classroom--at a top school--looks like this:

Notice:  fifty or so students listening to a lecture by one teacher at the front, on a chalk board (no technology), and--this doesn't come through on the still photo--little to no actual student input.  On this day, students were going over questions on a practice test for their regional end-of-year exams (already an activity I'm not sure I'd spend time on, certainly not with me doing the presenting), and for forty or so minutes, literally all that happened was that students were told how to solve problems they had gotten incorrect, and marked the correct methods in their test booklets.  But the problems were something else--deep, challenging, multidimensional.  For example, the problem below (from the same class's papers) asks about what happens when a trapezoid is folded into a solid:

It's almost inconceivable that even an honors geometry class in the U.S. would ask a question this complicated.

The disjunction here poses a real question: how is it that Chinese students get to the level where they can do and appreciate such challenging problems, without getting excellent instruction?  And after a lot of asking and thinking and soul-searching, I think I have the answer:  there are very few bad teachers.  The typical middle-to-strong Chinese student gets, so far as I can tell, much more consistent instruction than a similar student in the U.S.  Ask any student at my school--selective, very high-level--and you'll get the story of fifth grade, when they didn't really do any math in math class.  (Or sixth grade, or third grade, or whatever.)  So far as I can tell, this almost never happens in China.  In China, there are some good teachers, a lot of mediocre teachers, but almost no bad teachers.  Go into any Chinese math class on a given day, and my guess is, you'll see kids getting fair-to-middling teacher-led instruction in mathematics that is reasonably clear and factually correct.  I'm claiming that Chinese students--unlike my students--don't get told that "zero isn't even or odd, it's special" or that you can't subtract 7 from 3, or that "there's a formula for solving polynomials of degree five or higher, we just haven't found it yet."  And then this instruction is supported by a consistent experience of solving rich problems on homework and on tests.  Eleven consecutive years of this kind of solid, not particularly imaginative teaching produces literally tens thousands of students who can tackle very challenging math problems--which is the point.

I've observed a lot of teachers and tried my hardest to help the teachers in my department improve their own practice, as I'm always trying to improve mine.  But I don't know what to tell a teacher to make them into another Peter, or John, or Ray, or Natalie, or even me.  I'm not sure it's possible to communicate to one person how they can become a great teacher, because one of the things about truly great teaching is that it's idiosyncratic: what John does has influenced me, but I can no more do John's teaching than I can do Groucho Marx's repartee.

On the other hand, I think it's possible, and probably not even that difficult, to delineate what it takes to be a reasonable, middle-of-the-road math teacher who produces a solid year of growth in the vast majority of his or her students.  If we could have more of those, we wouldn't have to play catch-up--which is hard even for terrific teachers, not to mention the mediocre ones.  Almost all of our students would, like the Chinese, finish eighth grade with some working knowledge of algebra and geometry--not just a collection of area formulas jumbled together--and the ability to tackle multi-step problems.  In high school, kids finishing trig would actually know enough trigonometry to apply it in precalculus and calculus, because they weren't spending trig relearning facts about functions, equations, and geometry that they should have learned a year or more previously.

I'll finish this rant post with a brief list of items I'm looking for in the next generation of mediocre teachers.  The expectations may not strike you as very high: but imagine what would happen if we could really expect them every day, every year from kindergarten through 12th grade.
  1. Except for testing days, each day's class has an objective: something students are to know, understand, or be able to do that they didn't know or understand, or weren't able to do nearly as well the previous day.  Content is not simply repeated from year to year or even day to day.
  2. The day's objective is clearly related to overall course goals, to local and national standards, and to what the students already know.
  3. Assessment is frequent and individual:  at least a couple of times per week, students' work is collected (or assessed in class) individually to find out what they know, to give them feedback on what they need to improve, and to adjust instruction.  Assessment tasks are nontrivial, especially on formative assessments.
  4. The mathematics presented each day is correct.
  5. The mathematics is presented each day in a reasonably logical order.  When asked, a teacher can explain the motivation for each step, not just what the step is.
  6. The time allocated to mathematics is spent actually doing mathematics, not graduation practice, watching a non-math movie, or taking a break.  (I don't make these up, but please don't ask me to name names.)
  7. The time allocated to mathematics is spent with the students either (a) doing mathematics, (b) listening to brief explanations about how to do mathematics, or (c) asking each other or the teacher questions about mathematics.  ["Will this be on the test?" is not a question about mathematics.]
I'm sure there are more ... leave them in the comments.


  1. I begin by writing that I completely agree with you list of 7 items (if my son or daughter has yet another movie day at school...). But, do you think it is enough to say that once we get enough middle-of-the-road teachers, then students will be better off? Aren't there are other significant differences between the U.S. and fill-in-the-blank country when it comes to perception of the teaching profession, as well as external pressue on students in said countries to perform well? I don't think any argument about teacher quality can be made without considering the education environmental norms. I can attend to all 7 items in your list, but if the external support structure does not exist, then I don't know ultimately what I can accomplish.

  2. Well, the structural issues are nontrivial, but my point isn't just that Chinese students do better than U.S. students. I think that emphasizing "excellent" teachers in a way does a disservice to what should be our first goal, ensuring that every kid has "good enough" teachers, all the time. But I'll work that out more carefully in another post. Thanks for reading and thinking about it, Marshall!

  3. I enjoy your blog. Interesting post. Do you think the Chinese style of instruction can be carried out effectively by a mediocre teacher, whereas the style of instruction favored in US education programs (student centered, differentiated, etc) requires a very good to excellent teacher to be done effectively? I agree with you that we have many teachers that are a long ways away from mediocre - not sure what to do about that.

  4. First question: yes, although I think we'd need to restructure some of our supports. For example, Chinese teachers teach two sections of 50 students each day; a comparable US load would be 4 sections of 25. The extra prep and planning time means that Chinese teachers give quizzes and grade work from each student every day, which is something that most US teachers find impossible. Second question: I agree that it's hard to do the US method effectively without being a strong teacher overall, and it may be that the results drop off more quickly with our style of teaching than with the Chinese style (this is really your point). If that's the case, I'm wondering whether we're making a bad trade, given that it's hard to get enough good to excellent teachers.

    Thanks for reading and thinking seriously about this!

  5. I agree with your list, PJ, and your general point that the bad (at least in math) teachers do a great deal of harm. There is good research to support this. Does the Chinese curriculum make more sense than ours, with less re-re-re-teaching?

  6. report says a strong practice is to have deep problems. I think that what USA publishers give is watered down drivel placating the masses into believing they are"covering" the topic. I have witnessed 2 book adoptions here in Indiana and invariably someone will say I need an easier book for my students. We need problem sets like these we need a repository of them they we can access and then would would easily weed out the less than effective teachers. Mediocre =effective right?

  7. Sarah -- I don't yet have a sense of how much re-re-re-teaching goes on in China, although it's hard to imagine that it's anywhere near as much as in the US. To Laurephant's point, I agree: but you have to be able to use the deep problems effectively in order for them to be effective. I've witnessed a similar phenomenon in sequential editions of the same precalculus textbook: the hard problems are made easier, supplemented with "hints" that really just tell you how to do the problems, or gotten rid of entirely. But the main thing is how little time kids actually spend doing new math in reasonably straightforward, effective ways by teachers who actually understand the math they are teaching.

  8. Probably more relevant than the quality of instruction in China is the fact that East Asians have a quantitative spatial
    component of IQ about 10 points higher than whites.

  9. Yes, except for Anonymous, I've never seen a group of people more determined to ignore cognitive ability. And blame all those stupid teachers.

    They all believe in the myth of "they've never been taught."

  10. I'm not aware of any data that Asians are born with higher quantitative spatial components of IQ, so an interesting question is how they get that way and how early the difference shows up. (By the way, what's your source on this figure?)

    I'm not ignoring cognitive ability, but from a classroom teacher's perspective, I'm not sure it's worth worrying about: you simply have the students you have. But that's a topic for another post.

    Thanks, everyone, for the discussion!

  11. Spatial has shown up many times, but even if you ignore that, the mean IQ is higher. That's well documented.

    We aren't discussing the classroom teacher's perspective. You are attacking a large proportion of math teachers in the nation as incompetent and unqualified, based on what you perceive as the students' performance. The IQ of students is entirely relevant to that discussion.

  12. Hey PJ, thanks for the great post. Your focus here is obviously on the person at the front of the room, but I was really struck by your note about the problems on Chinese students' desks - "deep, challenging, multidimensional." My hunch about American education is that we are losing a lot of young high-potential educators, because they don't feel like they access to the resources (read: high-quality problems) to make class meaningful. My friend and I are trying to solve this problem by building a free, crowd-sourced math problem bank. Would be interested to hear your thoughts.

  13. Translated from Chinese:

    In trapezoid ABCD, AD//BC, angle ABC=pi/2, AB=BC=2AD=2, point E and point F are respectively the moving points of line segments AB and CD, and EF//BC, G is the middle point of BC, following line EF to fold the trapezoid ABCD, make the plane AEFD being perpendicular to the plane EBCF (as pic 2).

    (I) Determine the value of AE, make BE being perpendicular to EG:

    (II) Under the condition of (I), find the Sine value of the angle of BD and plane ABF.
